day dreamer i eat glow sticks welcome to my garden do you believe in magic? stargazer

About Me

In Which Ilinx Introduces Themself

I've gone by a number of names online, and done a number of things. In a way, this website serves as a nexus point for a couple different identities and activities that I've largely tried to keep separate. Those lines have blurred a bit over time, and I think I'm mostly fine with that, but still reticent to put every identifying piece of information in one digital place. So, expect a weird smattering of material. Whatever I feel like sharing.

That all said, hello! I'm Ilinx, the writer of everything you see here (except most of the code, that's from sadgrl's layout maker. The backgrounds are all hers as well.) I'm a fairy who's decided to make the best of the human world (it's not all dour and grey, you know, some of it's downright adorable) and start a weird website where my art and magic can shine at its weirdest.

"Wait, what? Fairy?" Yeah! Take that as literally or figuratively as suits your fancy. It's probably gonna come up a good bit across this website; think of it as a fictional conceit of the world of Aldrift that you can choose to carry with you when you go elsewhere.

Across this website, you'll find bits and bobs of my linguistic and con-linguistic pursuits, my magical practice, my musical creations, and my prose and poetry writing.